We have a dedicated team of professional fundraisers based in San Diego, California, who work in public and private sites to sign up regular donors to support our work.

They do an incredible job, engaging directly with the public in metropolitan areas in California and fostering dialogue with donors in their own communities, to promote and raise funds for scientific research on rare genetic diseases.


How can you identify a fundraiser from Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund?

Our fundraisers will:

Be in a 2-4 person team.

Be properly dressed, wearing a blue T-Shirt with the Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund logo printed on the front.

Wear an ID badge with name.

Ask for regular gifts (a monthly, biannual, or annual donation) via credit card and direct debit.

Never ask for a cash donation nor accept cash.

Use only tablets.

Give donors a Leave Behind welcome pack as a sign of our gratitude.

Donors will receive a thank-you email from Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund shortly afterwards.


Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund is compliant with Payment Card Industry (PCI) regulations for financial data security and meet industry regulations related to face-to-face fundraising. Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund’s privacy policy ensures that your data will neither be sold to, nor exchanged with, any other organization.

Donors are always in charge of their donation. If you have any questions, you may contact Daybreak by mail or facsimile as follows:


Friends of Telethon Foundation Italy

dba Daybreak Children’s Rare Disease Fund

Tax ID # 47- 1635833

email: info@daybreakfoundation.org

Tel.(844) 5989494